The purpose of Merson Church is to glorify Jesus Christ by being a light to our community, having a passion for sharing the gospel with the lost and faithfully teach God's word so that every believer is progressing toward the fullness of Christ.
Our vision is to faithfully worship, obey, grow and reach out in the name of Jesus Christ.
Daily worshiping Christ through Prayer, Personal Bible Study and Thanksgiving
Growing in faith by the word of God
Walking in Fellowhip and in Faithfulness in the light of the Word
Reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
We believe the complete Bible to be inspired of God, the infallible Word of God. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (II Timothy 3:16).
A. THE LORD'S SUPPER - it was left us as an ordinance by the Lord Himself (Matthew 26:26 & Mark 14:22-24, and others) for a memorial of His death until He comes and should not be taken inadvisably, but with the examination of one's life.
B. BELIEVER'S BAPTISM - We accept as Scriptural, baptism by immersion (Matthew 28:19). We practice baptism as a visible testimony. It should be made clear that there is no saving power in baptism—it is meant for those who are already saved—giving a clear picture of the fact that the believer is dead, buried and raised spiritually with Jesus Christ by faith in Him.
Merson Church began as the vision of some local people attending a small mission church in East Trowbridge. Later some of these same people followed Mr. Lucien Spayd, meeting at Wilkinson Schoolhouse, which was later changed to Merson School.
On April 15, 1883, a charter group officially formed a church, calling Rev. Lucien Spayd as their first pastor in 1884, they built a brick church, as well as a horse barn, calling themselves the Trowbridge or Merson Church of Christ. Several years later a parsonage was built through the financial help of the Ladies Aid Society. Over the years various parcels were purchased from the Hugh's Farm (which is North and adjacent to the church).
The church filled a need in the community and large crowds gathered. They began ordaining some young men of deep spiritual vision as pastors and several were encouraged and sent as missionaries through the early years. Many men pastored the church and their families lived in the little parsonage while their children attended the local school.
Where did the name Merson come from? It is said that at the four corners was a grocery store/post office. The postal system was asking for a name for the corners and at the time Mr. Merson (a cigar salesman, of South Haven) was selling his wares at the corner store. It was possibly a joke as they said the name 'Merson Corner' to the official...but the name stuck. If you visit South Haven there still bears the family name 'Merson' in the building's old marquee...thus the naming of our Merson Corners.
During the 1940's the church was incorporated in the State of Michigan under the name Merson Church, ultimately becoming an independent, self-governing Bible Church. Feeling a need for expansion to meet the growing congregation's program, an addition was added in 1958 under Pastor G.A. Pike.
On December 6, 1965, the entire building was destroyed by fire. The decision to rebuild was immediate. A new building was completed and furnished by November, 1966. Quickly the mortgage was paid off and the church was debt free. Within a few years it was obvious that even more space was needed to fill the demands of a growing church as Wednesday night programs for the year were initiated and the church family continued to grow. In 1975 a large addition including a gym and class room complex was added, creating that which now makes up the present Merson Church edifice.
The building is only wood, concrete, and metal until someone walks through the doors. A church is really people! People who know the Lord and have a heart to serve him! In 1884, only 15 people were interested enough to have a witness for Christ in this community.
Merson Church remains an independent Bible Church, self-governed, owned and supported by its members. Its purpose is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through Him, alone, we find the only means by which mankind may come into a personal and eternal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Endeavoring to reach out to our community and to teach the Bible as the inherent Word of Truth we employ an active ministry. Thus, we continue to extend our vision of being a light to a lost world.
Pastor Gail Pike faithfully served God at Merson for over 59yrs. He helped grow the church and had an impact on so many lives. He went home to be with the Lord on October 26,2014. He desired to see them follow Christ. He said this to each one, “Keep on keeping on, Stay True to the Lord and Keep reaching out to the Lost!”
Merson Church
3313 102nd Avenue
Gobles, MI 49055
© Merson Church 2025